Platelet Rich Plasma injections @ Village Park Animal Hospital

What is PRP?

Platelet rich plasma is an autogenous fluid concentrate composed primarily of platelets which is used to accelerate healing of tendon, ligament, bone and other tissues. (PRP is defined as 5.5×1010 platelets/50ml). Protein Rich Gel is formed by combining PRP with thrombin and calcium chloride to form a semisolid material and has been used extensively in human dentistry.

How does PRP work?

Platelets are among the first cells to migrate to sites of tissue trauma, and in addition to their role in hemostasis, they contain numerous growth factors that stimulate tissue healing.

How is PRP created?

Platelet rich plasma can be generated at “point-of-care” by centrifugation of autologous blood followed by separation and extraction of the buffy coat. Several systems are available for the creation of PRP but all PRP is not alike. We specifically use the Arthrex system because it results in low amounts of white blood cells in the injection. High levels of white blood cells can increase collagen degradation and decrease matrix production

Some of the most exciting, new regenerative medicine treatment options are for:

• Hip Dysplasia
• Osteoarthritis
• Elbow Dysplasia
• Ligament injuries
• Tendon injuries
• Burn Wounds