Here at Village Park Animal Hospital we believe in a vaccine rotation schedule. We follow the vaccine guidelines from American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) when it comes to choosing the right vaccines for your pets’ lifestyle. Many of our patients that live here in the Coachella Valley also have a second home in another state and may require additional vaccines to keep them protected from infectious disease. Patients who do not travel outside the Coachella Valley should stick to the core vaccine schedule you and your veterinarian discuss at your pets yearly examinations

Vaccines for canines

  • DAPP vaccines (Distemper/Parvo)
    • Distemper/Parvo vaccine is given at 8, 12, and 16 weeks old. Boosted at 1 year of age
    • After the 1-year booster is given, this vaccine then rotates to a 3-year vaccine.
    • Distemper/Parvo titers are available upon request, please consult with your veterinarian at Village Park Animal Hospital  if this is right choice for your dog.
  • Oral Bordetella vaccine – Given by mouth now!
    • Recommended to be given yearly to those dogs who frequent grooming facilities, boarding or any communal dog areas to prevent spread of kennel cough
  • Rabies vaccine
    • This vaccination is required by law to prevent this infectious disease
    • This Rabies vaccine is given as a 1-year vaccine as puppies, and then rotates to a 3-year vaccine.
  •  Rattlesnake vaccine
    • For those that are at risk of a rattlesnake bite this vaccine aids in the reduction of effect of the toxin.
    • 2 initial doses are recommended, given 1 month apart. Then it is given annually. Preferably in the spring or 1 month prior to rattlesnake season.

We also carry Lyme vaccine and Lepto vaccine for those that travel to areas that are at risk for these infectious diseases.

  • Lyme vaccine and Lepto vaccine
    • 2 initial doses are given 2-3 weeks apart, then annually

Vaccines for felines

  • FVRCP vaccine
    • We are proud to offer the half dose vaccine, full protection with just half the dose!
    • After the kitten series of 3 vaccines is completed this vaccine is updated every 3 years.
  • FELV Vaccine
    • We are proud to offer the half dose vaccine, full protection with just half the dose!
    • There are 2 initial vaccines given 3-4 weeks apart as a kitten, then the vaccine is updated annually until the age of 5 years for indoor only cats.
  • Rabies Vaccine
    • We offer the feline specific rabies vaccine and it is given annually