CAT-tober is almost here!

We are excited about our 5th Annual Feline Health Awareness Program Kick-off!

Did you know that amongst household pets, only half as many cats receive annual exams as dogs do? Here at Village Park, we are dedicated year round to informing our feline parents of the importance of regular health care and maintenance for their cats just as with their dogs.

“Have we seen your cat lately?”

Do you have a cat at home we don’t know about? We’d like to invite your cats to visit for a Wellness Exam , and we’ve come up with some pretty exciting perks to help your visit be extra special. Beginning October (or should we say CAT-tober) and continuing through December, we are offering some exciting perks to help make your visit extra special:

  • All cats with wellness or comprehensive exams in the month of October are treated to: a FREE NAIL TRIM + 1 entry into the raffle pot
  • All cats with wellness or comprehensive exams in the month of November are treated to: a FREE Thanksgiving themed cat toy + 1 entry into the raffle pot
  • All cats with wellness or comprehensive exams in the month of December are treated to: a FREE Christmas themed cat toy + 1 entry into the raffle pot
  • October is Black Cat Awareness Month! In addition to the October perks above, all black cats seen in the month of October will receive a special toy hand made by members of our Cat Champion Team.
  • National Cat Day is October 29th! In addition to the October perks above, all cats that come in for any exam, will receive a Cat Nip Sardine!

Raffle Pot Prize:

Client’s choice of one of the following (prize is for the feline that was brought in for the exam): 1. Free nail trims for life. 2. Free feline blood panel (for a scheduled dental). 3. Free 3 days of boarding in one of our cat condos.

During the first week of January, all tickets are thrown back into that pot for entry into the raffle for a special gift hand-picked by Dr. Carlson’s “Special Hand-Picked Gift”.

Have questions about how to transport your cat for their visit? Please call our clinic for helpful advice, at 760-564-3833. But wait, there’s more! We hope you will save the date for…

Pet Nutrition Discussion

Saturday, November 3rd at 5pm with Dr. Carlson

Round tale discussion about your pet’s nutrition led by Dr. Carlson. Grain Free or not? Raw or not? Home cooked or not?

CATurday Night Live!

Saturday, November 10th from 5:00-8:00pm in the Village Park Lobby

We will enjoy light h’ordeurves, cat-education, raffles, a fun photo booth, an opportunity to engage with our doctors as well as the “aCATemy Awards” (a feline photo contest)! [You can submit your cat’s photos by emailing them to]

Photo categories are: “best action shot”, “laziest”, “best dressed”, “hungry hunter”, “most unique”, “precious moments” Thank you for being a part of our Village Park Family. We hope to see you this Cat-tober!

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

Please join us in helping to keep your pets safe from


Natural Solutions will be at Village Park Animal Hospital on Saturday March 3rd, 2018

Training classes start at 8:00 a.m.

The cost will be $75.00 per pet, paid on the day directly to “Natural Solutions” in the form of cash or check.


Call Village Park Animal Hospital at

(760) 564-3833

to schedule an appointment time.

Biggest Loser Workshop & Contest Saturday, November 18th from 5:00 pm -7:00 pm

Please bring your pet and join us for an evening of wine, cheese & information on the newest weight loss tips for your pets. Learn how to help your pet enjoy a longer, healthier life.

We will be weighing, measuring, talking about the dietary needs of your pet, as well as giving tips on how to keep your dog and cat active.

Please come in for an evening of fun, goodies, freebies and information and sign up your pet for our Biggest Loser Contest,

which will run from Nov. 18th, 2017 thru Feb. 18, 2018. 

The contest will require weekly weigh ins and measurements and there will be a winner declared in both the dog and cat category.

Each winner will receive a prize!

Join Dr. Carlson and the Village Park Animal Hospital staff on Saturday, January 27 th , 2018 at 5pm as we host a Pet Insurance Workshop where we will discuss the importance of pet insurance.

We encourage all pet owners to attend. Everyone will be entered into a drawing to win a $200 contribution towards the policy of their choice! This contribution is Non Transferrable.

We know navigating which company to choose, as well as making decisions about which policy is the best for you and your pet, are difficult. We want to remove barriers to these decisions and have clients join in active discussions about why pet insurance is so important.

Village Park Animal Hospital has been La Quinta Cove’s only Veterinarian since 1998. We have grown largely because of the dedication of our long-term clients who have trusted us for years to work hard to exceed their expectations.

We believe in forming strong, personal partnerships with our clients and strive to maintain the health of our patients through thorough physical exams, wellness programs and detailed medicine.

We are the only Veterinary Clinic in the desert that offers regular client educational opportunities, and we look forward to educating the public about their pets’ health care.

Join us on January 27 th , 2018 for our informative, fun workshop.

For more information call us at 760-564-3833 and please visit us at