Silly Sail
Sailor and his brother Captain were adopted from the shelter on December 10th, 2016. Sailor is 19 month old Schipperke mixed boy.
They were stray dogs and had no socialization with other dogs and humans, and lacking basic house/obedient training. Within one week from adoption, Sailor learned how to use the doggie door. After about a month with us, he was finally walking very well on a leash. He is a very smart and loving boy. It is amazing how we get attached to our boys after a very short period of two months.
In late January, Sailor suddenly became very ill and Dr. Jeffery and Dr. Bradshaw determined that blood panel for his liver was extremely high and gallbladder had infection. Doctors from Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Hospital of San Diego performed emergency surgery and removed his infected gallbladder. He is back at home after three full days at hospital in San Diego and recovering very well from surgery.
Now he is back to his normal self “Silly Sail”; eating like a pig, snoring very loudly when he sleeps and terrorizing his brother and two sisters.
I would like to thank Dr. Jeffery, Dr. Bradshaw, Ronald and all the staff members for their effort, love and support during this difficult time for both Sailor and his Daddies.